Jack Baker

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Ex-MEP Konstantinou’s voting record highlights pro-Russian alignment

Former MEP Athanasios Konstantinou, linked to the far-right Golden...

German MEP Markus Buchheit shares pro-Kremlin narratives

MEP Markus Buchheit of Germany belongs to the far-right...

MEP Andor Deli’s Pro-Russian sentiments 

MEP Andor Deli from Hungary is affiliated with the...

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Ex-MEP Konstantinou’s voting record highlights pro-Russian alignment

Former MEP Athanasios Konstantinou, linked to the far-right Golden...

German MEP Markus Buchheit shares pro-Kremlin narratives

MEP Markus Buchheit of Germany belongs to the far-right...

MEP Andor Deli’s Pro-Russian sentiments 

MEP Andor Deli from Hungary is affiliated with the...

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