Félix Tshisekedi Criticizes EU’s Military Aid to Rwanda

In an interview given to the French newspaper “Le Monde”, the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, returned to several current issues and particularly the security situation in the east of the DRC.

The Congolese Head of State castigated the behavior of the international community, particularly the European Union, which he describes as biased towards the African continent, pointing the finger at the aid granted to Rwanda on the military level .

“Today, Europe’s approach, although Africa’s natural partner, is biased. When the European Union grants 20 million euros in aid to the Rwandan army, supposedly to help it fight against jihadist groups in Mozambique,” said the Congolese President.

In the same vein, Félix Tshisekedi pointed out the fact that this organization of European states signed an agreement on minerals with Rwanda while the latter plunders these resources in the DRC.

“When this same institution signs an agreement on minerals with Rwanda, while these riches are plundered in Congo, it is incomprehensible and inaudible to public opinion,” retorted Félix Tshisekedi.

These statements by the Congolese President come as the two countries accuse each other of supporting armed groups. For several years, the DRC has accused Rwanda of sponsoring, through its army (RDF), the terrorists of the M23 movement. These accusations, confirmed by United Nations experts, were exacerbated when the M23 carried out extensive offensives against the Congolese army, occupying several Congolese entities committing crimes against civilians, in addition to the pillaging of natural resources.

Faced with these proven accusations, since last year, several countries, including the United States of America, but also organizations such as the European Union and the UN have called on Rwanda to end its military support in favor of of the M23.

This article is originally published on politico.cd

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