Harvesting Fruits: Diplomacy Under Royal Leadership

Rabat – Under the far-sighted leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, Morocco continues to achieve diplomatic successes at the regional, continental and international levels, placing its foreign policy in a dynamic of strategic partnerships made to last.

The royal vision raises the bar of ambitions: the multidimensional strategic approach of the partnerships woven by the Kingdom in the four corners of the world becomes a marker of Moroccan diplomacy.

Guided by the High Royal Guidelines, Moroccan diplomacy has shown remarkable dynamism on several fronts, with a view to defending the supreme interests of the Kingdom, at the head of which is the question of the Moroccan Sahara, while consolidating the influence of the Morocco on a global scale and by strengthening its multidimensional partnerships.

Regarding the Sahara issue, the UN Security Council adopted, in October 2022, resolution 26-54 which reiterates the centrality and preeminence of the Moroccan autonomy plan as a solution to this regional dispute, within the framework of the sovereignty of the Kingdom.

In the same context, the head of American diplomacy, Antony Blinken, had reaffirmed, last March, his country’s support for the Moroccan autonomy plan to definitively end the regional conflict around the Sahara, noting that the United States “ continue” to consider this plan as “serious, credible and realistic”.

Israel’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara is the latest success of Moroccan diplomacy, under the enlightened leadership of the Sovereign.

“His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has received a letter from the Prime Minister of the State of Israel, His Excellency Binyamin Netanyahu, said a statement from the Royal Cabinet on Thursday.

By this letter, the Israeli Prime Minister brought to the Very High Attention of His Majesty the King the decision of the State of Israel to “recognize the sovereignty of Morocco over the territory of Western Sahara”.

Morocco has also succeeded in expanding the circle of countries that have decided to open consular representations in the southern provinces.

For Mohammed Zakaria Aboudahab, professor of international relations at Mohammed V University in Rabat, Moroccan diplomacy achieved, in 2022 and 2023, “significant” successes in more than one way, not only with regard to the defense of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom, but also “through several multidimensional partnerships with countries that count on the international scene”.

From the point of view of bilateral relations, the Kingdom has consolidated its partnership with the United Kingdom, thanks to the organization of several meetings, crowned by the 4th session of the strategic dialogue between the two countries, held last May in Rabat.

The objective of this session was to give “concrete and operational” content to the association agreement concluded between the two countries in October 2019 and which entered into force on January 1, 2022, underlined, on this subject, Mr. Aboudahab, in a statement to MAP.

Moroccan-Spanish strategic relations also recorded a qualitative leap, with the 12th Morocco-Spain High Level Meeting, held in February 2023 in Rabat, and which was an opportunity for the two countries to express “their commitment to perpetuating the excellent relationships that have always linked them” and to reaffirm “their desire to constantly enrich them”.

In the same vein, Morocco and Germany welcomed the close and friendly relations uniting them, as well as the positive dynamic that characterizes the bilateral relationship, since the adoption of the joint declaration, in August 2022, which constitutes a roadmap for strengthening these relationships in all areas.

On the occasion of the working visit to Germany on July 6 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Living Abroad, Nasser Bourita, the two countries reaffirmed their shared desire to deepen deepen the long-standing bilateral relationship, with a view to establishing a stronger, forward-looking partnership.

The signing, on July 5, 2023 in Rome, by Morocco and Italy of the action plan for the implementation of the multidimensional strategic partnership between the two countries is another illustration of the successes of Moroccan diplomacy.

Morocco also continues to play an active role in the inter-Libyan dialogue. The “6+6” mixed commission, charged by the Libyan House of Representatives and Council of State with preparing the electoral laws, announced last June in Bouznika that its members had reached, after two weeks of meetings in Morocco, to a compromise on the laws governing the presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for the end of the year.

The Kingdom has also made progress in terms of its multilateral relations, at the level of a number of regional processes, noted Mr. Aboudahab.

It is in this perspective that, for example, Morocco’s participation in the United States-Africa Leaders’ Summit, organized from December 13 to 15 in Washington, and which was welcomed by the Department of American state.

“Having Morocco here (at the Washington summit) is extremely important,” said Robert Scott, US Assistant Secretary at the State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, in a press statement on the sidelines of the summit.

Likewise, the EU-Morocco Green Partnership was signed on the occasion of the visit of the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, to Morocco on 18 and 19 October 2022.

This is the first such EU initiative with a partner country under the external dimension of the European Green Deal.

The organization in Morocco of several meetings with an international dimension, like the Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations held in December 2022 in Fez, underlines, once again, the centrality of Morocco at the level of a certain number of themes. major at the international level.

“All these achievements and many others show that Morocco is now a power that is listened to, consulted, credible and counts on the regional, continental and global scene,” Mr. Aboudahab observed.

Thanks to the wisdom and foresight of HM King Mohammed VI, Morocco has made significant diplomatic breakthroughs, he pointed out, adding that the last few months have allowed the consolidation of Morocco’s international anchoring and its anchoring to strategically important friendly countries.

This article is originally published on mapexpress.ma

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