Hungarian diplomacy in the fast lane

Although Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó’s breakneck pace of foreign travel could be a prime example of the effects of jet lag on the human body, Hungary is used by Western media and liberal politicians as a synonym for political isolation. This pathetic campaign aimed at portraying the country as a lonely pariah that no one wants to be seen with is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain.

“Orbán is lonelier than ever on the European stage,” is the title of the British Labor Party newspaper, The Guardian, in its article. The George Soros-backed progressive blog Balkan Insight claims that Orbán is only building bridges with the Turkic states because he is isolated in Europe. The left-wing French newspaper Le Mond is also convinced that the Hungarian Prime Minister is more isolated than ever and is only vetoing some EU proposals for this reason. Politicians also do not want to ignore the “isolation narrative”. German Green Party politician Daniel Freund, known for his almost hysterical anti-Hungarian outbursts, proudly wrote on his social media account that “Viktor Orban is driving his country further and further into isolation.” And to cite just one of the NGO-like supporters of this claim, one could cite the German Heinrich Böll Foundation, the institution at the center of the dismantling of German identity. It also claims in bold letters on its website: “Visegrad is shaken to its foundations, Hungary is in isolation.”

After a few weeks in which the Hungarian Prime Minister met with Chinese and Russian heads of state in the east, with Spanish and French heads of state in the west, and in between with a dozen heads of state from all over the world, it is fair to say that Hungary in its modern History has never been as isolated as it is now. Parts of the Hungarian media even claimed that President Volodymyr Zelensky only accepted Javier Milei’s invitation to his inauguration in Buenos Aires in order to confront Viktor Orbán with his position on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. These claims are difficult to substantiate, but not entirely implausible either, as photos of a very emphatic Zelensky and a very stunned Orbán after their meeting show.

Viktor Orbán Viktor in Brussels with Emmanuel Macron, Petr Fiala, Klaus Iohannis. Photo: MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Fischer Zoltán

Western activist media’s ongoing efforts to portray Hungarian diplomacy as isolated and marginalized are increasingly resembling a scene from the legendary comedy Monty Python. Who, other than Spain, France, Argentina, Russia, Brazil, China, Ukraine and the EU, is talking to the Hungarian government? Absolutely no one!

The myth of isolation, however implausible it may be, remains one of the main whips used to try to push Hungary into a corner because of its refusal to give in to the European institutions’ bid for power and its limits on mass immigration and to open its society to multiculturalism. However, there are different views on what this campaign, which aims to project an image of an isolated Hungary, really wants to achieve. It is likely a tool to deter other governments that are also considering independent policies based on national sovereignty and national interests against the will of supranational institutions and actors.

In less than a week, the Turkish president visits Budapest and will further dilute Hungary’s “splendid isolation,” as the British used to call it when they still had control of their own borders. Nonetheless, the headlines warning the rest of the democratic world against falling into the trap of isolationist policies like Hungary’s will undoubtedly continue in the future. Given all the facts, however, this desperate disinformation campaign can only be seen as a feeble attempt to distract from the increasingly untenable anarchy into which the global left has plunged its own societies from Western Europe to the United States.

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