Tunisia’s scathing response to Josep Borrell

The Tunisian embassy in Brussels took charge, through the publication of a Facebook post on June 25, 2024, of responding to the remarks of the High Representative, Josep Borrell, following the meeting of the European Foreign Affairs Council, held on June 24.

Speaking of Tunisia, Mr. Borrell had invited the Twenty-seven to begin a reflection in order to “avoid certain events that have raised concerns. In particular, the rapprochement with Russia, Iran and China that we perceive at the government level”.

To this, the Tunisian embassy in Brussels published, on its official page, the following elements:

  • In Tunisia, the government legitimately represents the aspirations of the people and expresses its sovereign will;
  • Tunisia conducts its relations with all of its partners in complete independence. It remains committed to the constancy and achievements of its Partnership with the European Union, working to ensure that this relationship constantly adapts to the challenges and changes underway;
  • The relentlessness of the person concerned, a former administrator of an industrial group now at the end of his professional contract, will not affect the Tunisian-European partnership.

It should also be noted that the author of the press release made an error regarding the name of the head of European diplomacy. Instead of Josep Borrell, our embassy actually wrote Joseph Borrel.

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