Armenians of the European Union cry out their distress in the streets of Brussels

At the call of 500 associations from 17 EU countries, the Armenian community of the EU gathered at the foot of the European Commission expresses the distress of their compatriots exiled from Nagorno-Karabakh and calls on Brussels to act.
Brussels was the beating heart of Europe’s Armenian community this afternoon. A large gathering at the initiative of 500 associations from 17 countries from the four corners of the EU. They highlight the suffering of Armenians forced into exile after the blitzkrieg led by Azerbaijan. Sylvie Ordekian came from Marseille to cry out her pain and her terror at seeing the worst happen.

Baku is not ready to stop there, especially if Europe does not act, warns Franck Papazian, co-president of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France (CCAF).

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Monster demonstration: 1 million people in the streets of Warsaw this afternoon. A show of force from the Polish opposition two weeks before the still very undecided parliamentary elections, the center-right Civic Platform led by former President of the European Council Donald Tusk hopes to close its gap by a few points on the ruling party . Jarosław Kaczyński’s PiS still dominates in the polls. But this march gives a lot of hope to those who joined the movement.
The cold anger of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan after the suicide attack against the Turkish Parliament this morning claimed by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). One of the attackers blew himself up, the other was shot, two police officers were injured. “The scoundrels who threaten the peace and security of citizens will never achieve their objectives,” insists the Turkish president in his opening speech to the parliamentary session. But with this speech the Turkish head of state is mainly targeting the EU. “We have kept all the promises we made to the EU but they have kept almost none of theirs” tackles the Turkish president. Turkey has been a candidate for membership since 1987.
Laurent Wauquiez takes another step towards a candidacy for the presidential election of 2027. This afternoon, President LR of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region was the guest of honor at the start of the Young Republicans in Valence. He came out of his silence of recent months to deliver a half-hour speech. He says he is “ready” for the 2027 presidential election and is starting his political comeback by displaying great ambitions.

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