Fiala Counters Orbán: European Federalism Explained

“The federalists have attacked the Visegrad group and we can all see the result: the Czechs have swung (on the side of the federalists), Slovakia is adrift, only the Poles and the Hungarians are clinging on,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Saturday in his annual speech delivered in Băile Tușnad, in the Romanian region where a large Magyar community lives.

“Czechia is a sovereign country and my government defends our national interests. We decide what we promote, support or want to change in the EU. Prime Minister Orbán was used to something different, because Andrej Babiš was dependent on him in European politics. In this sense, one can understand his frustration. through government spokesman Václav Smolka.

The head of the Hungarian government had come to the Czech Republic to support Andrej Babiš, then Prime Minister, during the last electoral campaign for the legislative elections.

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