Hostage Release: Diplomacy’s Success, Says Former DGSE Executive Pierre Martinet

Two American women were released by Hamas on Friday October 20. “Diplomacy is starting to bear fruit and is taking precedence over military action, which has not acted,” according to Pierre Martinet, former DGSE executive.
“Qatar, which finances Hamas, comes to negotiate to free the hostages, it is paradoxical and surreal that we can still put Qatar in the negotiation loop,” according to Pierre Martinet, former executive of the DGSE action department. The compensation obtained by Hamas for the release of these two American hostages is still unknown.

“Diplomacy pays off”

“Why only release two hostages?”, asks Pierre Martinet who continues: “Diplomacy is starting to bear fruit and is taking precedence over military action, which has not acted”, according to the former executive of the DGSE. On the Israeli side, there is a real glimmer of hope. Parents of hostages hope their children can be freed in the coming days with the help of mediators. “Qatar is becoming a key player in negotiations in this part of the world,” explains Pierre Martinet.

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