IPCC Scientist Critiques Macron’s Eco Plan

If Emmanuel Macron spoke of “measured sobriety” on Monday, Yamina Saheb, co-author of the latest IPCC report, pleads Tuesday on franceinfo for “transformative sobriety”, with “real public policies”.
“We are taking small measures to the right and to the left”, estimated Tuesday September 26 on franceinfo Yamina Saheb, researcher at the OFCE and co-author of the latest IPCC report, after the presentation Monday September 25 by Emmanuel Macron of the main axes of ecological planning in France. “What we need is a metamorphosis of our economy and the plan does not talk about it,” she lamented, regretting the use by the Head of State of the term “transition” which implies according to her “that we keep the same system”.

Yamina Saheb, however, welcomes the use of the word “sobriety”: “It is very good that the President of the Republic speaks of sobriety. We are the only country in the OECD, the only country in the European Union, where we “We have the highest authority of the State which speaks of sobriety. Sobriety does not exist in any instrument of the European Union, whereas it has existed in the French law on transition since 2015.”

One million heat pumps for “30 million main residences”
The “measured sobriety” desired by the Head of State is, on the other hand, a concept “that he will have to define for us”. For her part, she pleads for “transformative sobriety”, that is to say “a structural sobriety, which will require major transformations, major investment efforts, real public policies”.

Among the measures announced by Emmanuel Macron, the objective of producing one million heat pumps per year by 2027 “is not the miracle solution”, believes the scientist, “we must renovate buildings, that means insulating buildings and renovate them to the ‘low energy building’ performance level.

This summer, the government announced that the budget for MaPrimeRénov’ must increase to 4 billion euros next year, but it is not just a question of amount according to Yamina Saheb: “Adding investment to “doing bad renovations means wasting public money. And just talking about the heat pump without saying anything about the level of overall energy performance of buildings doesn’t do much good.” The scientist believes that this announcement lacks ambition, because when Emmanuel Macron “says at the end of the five-year term, we will have produced and we will make the hypothesis that we will have installed 1 million heat pumps in France. We must know that we have a little more than 30 million primary residences. If we install 1 million per five-year period, I’ll let you do the calculation.”

This article is originally published on francetvinfo.fr

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