Latin America’s Elite Praise Morocco’s Sovereignty

The political and intellectual elite in Latin America hailed the decision of the State of Israel to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara, which is part of a “constant and irreversible process” designed, initiated, implemented and monitored by HM King Mohammed VI.
Deputies, writers and analysts from the Latin American region hailed this “transcendent step” taken by Israel, which constitutes a new diplomatic defeat for opponents of Morocco’s territorial integrity and sounds the death knell for the chimeras of separatism.

In an opinion piece published in Buenos Aires, the Argentine geopolitical analyst, Adalberto Carlos Agozino, underlined that it is thanks to “the strategy designed and implemented” by the Sovereign to definitively turn the page of this artificial conflict, that countries of the size of the United States, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, etc. have recognized the sovereignty of Morocco over its Southern Provinces, recognitions consolidated by the opening of 28 consulates of African countries , Arabs and Latin Americans in the cities of Laayoune and Dakhla.

In international law, explains Carlos Agozino, “the opening of consular offices in a disputed territory implies a recognition of the sovereignty of the State which controls it, in this case, a recognition of the indisputable sovereignty of Morocco over the Sahara”.

In the eyes of this Argentine analyst, this new recognition of Moroccan sovereignty is “without a doubt, a major step forward which consolidates the ties between the two countries (Morocco and Israel) and will have consequences at the regional and international levels”.

It is this obvious impact on the international scene that is also raised by Manuel Conde Orellana, president of the Foreign Relations Commission of the Congress of Guatemala.

For this political heavyweight in Guatemala, Israel has sent “a clear message” to the international community and to the States which have not yet come out in favor of Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara, and “it is certain that the States with which Israel has very good relations will take this decision of Israeli diplomacy into account”.

Manuel Conde Orellana also described the Israeli decision on the Moroccan Sahara as a “transcendent act” which will not fail to “generate stability in the region” of North Africa.

In Chile, MP Miguel Angel Calisto also believes that the recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara by the State of Israel is part of the logic of consolidating “the favorable dynamic created thanks to the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI” to put an end to this regional conflict.

For the Chilean MP, this forward-looking royal vision paved the way for “the United States and 15 European countries to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara, a territory where Morocco was historically present and with which there has been a cultural relationship since its origins”.

For his part, the jurist and president of the Chile-Morocco Global Foundation, Roberto Leon, also underlined the “favorable dynamic” generated by Israel’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the southern provinces.

“This is undoubtedly great news for Morocco” which reinforces the strategy of His Majesty the King who, “with caution and perseverance”, succeeded in convincing these different countries of the merits of the Moroccan position, said this former Chilean deputy and great connoisseur of the genesis and development of the conflict in the Sahara.

With this recognition, “the vision of HM King Mohammed VI is consolidated” on the path to establishing peace and understanding in the region, said Cristina Orellana, member of the executive board of the Chilean foundation “Latin America / Africa Century XXI”.

“I believe this consolidates the vision of His Majesty Mohammed VI, as the King has worked tirelessly to generate more opportunities for Morocco and seek the path of peace, understanding and tolerance,” she said in reaction to the Israeli decision.

According to this former Chilean MP and former vice-president of the Christian Democracy (DC) party, Israel’s new position also opens up a “world of opportunities” and consolidates Morocco’s position as a gateway for investment in Africa.

For the vice-president of El Salvador, Félix Ulloa, this growing momentum in favor of the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Morocco provides information on the relevance of the autonomy initiative presented by the Kingdom to put an end to this regional dispute.

He considered that through this State decision, Israel joins the dynamic of international support for the Moroccanness of the Sahara and the legitimate rights of the Kingdom over its southern provinces.

It also reinforces the legitimacy of the Moroccan position and supports the efforts of the Kingdom to definitively end this artificial conflict, underlined Félix Ulloa.

In Colombia, the director of the Confederation of Jewish Communities in this country, Marcos Peckel, chose to comment on the impact of this recognition on the development of Morocco/Israel relations which “have evolved very rapidly” in many areas (commercial, tourist, military and diplomatic).

“I think that relations between Morocco and Israel have a bright future, because of the development opportunities they offer in the fields of tourism, scientific exchanges, water and agriculture, diplomacy, as well as in the field of security and cybersecurity. This cooperation has developed rapidly and will continue to develop in the future,” said Marcos Peckel.

Favoring the historical approach, the Paraguayan writer and historian Luis Aguero Wagner indicated that the recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara by Israel is “one more step in favor of the inalienable historical rights of Morocco” in this territory.

Wagner added that the Israeli decision is also a further step towards the definitive disappearance of the separatist group of the polisario, artificially created by Algeria with the aim of compromising understanding between nations and harmony within the international community.

Last Monday, a statement from the Royal Cabinet indicated that HM King Mohammed VI had received a letter from Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announcing his country’s decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara.

The Israeli prime minister added that his country’s position will be “reflected in all relevant acts and documents of the Israeli government” and that it will be “transmitted to the United Nations, regional and international organizations of which Israel is a member, as well as to all countries with which Israel maintains diplomatic relations”.

In his letter to the Sovereign, the Israeli Prime Minister informed that Israel is examining positively “the opening of a Consulate in the city of Dakhla”, and this within the framework of the concretization of this State decision”.

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