Libya Security Summit 2023 – Paris Meeting

Continuing its support for dialogue between security actors in Libya and for the work carried out within the framework of the security working group co-chaired by the United Nations, France hosted the Heads of State in Paris from July 17 to 18 Major of the Western and Eastern Armies, Mohammed Haddad and Abderrazaq El Nadhouri, as well as the officers of the 5+5 Joint Military Committee, for working meetings focused on the reunification of military institutions and the lasting stabilization of the country , with full respect for Libyan sovereignty.

France is thus continuing its support for the United Nations and for the security dynamic initiated by all the Libyan actors with the aim of forming joint units in order to secure the Libyan borders, to fight against terrorism and destabilizing foreign interference. A follow-up of this work will be carried out within the framework of the next security working groups co-chaired by the United Nations, the next occurrence of which will be held in Benghazi on July 25, 2023.

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