Protest: EU Fisheries Agreement Sparks Sit-in At European Parliament

Led by Spaniard Miguel Urbán, a group of MEPs organized a sit-in on Tuesday July 11 at the headquarters of the European Parliament against the non-renewal of the Morocco-EU fishing agreement. “On July 17, the EU-Morocco fishing agreement expires, which illegally included Saharawi areas. We no longer tolerate looting. The Sahara is not for sale! All our solidarity with the Sahrawi people”, wrote on Twitter the far-left parliamentarian, the real spearhead of all anti-Morocco proposals within the European hemicycle.

This action was coordinated with the Polisario, as evidenced by the presence of two of its executives: Abdellah Arabi and Omar Mansour, respectively delegate general in Spain and representative to the EU. The European Commission does not envisage, for the moment, the opening of negotiations with Morocco with a view to renewing the fishing agreement. Brussels is waiting to hear the verdict on appeal from the Court of Justice of the European Union to decide.

This sit-in comes in the wake of two other initiatives signed by groups of MEPs. The first called on FIFA not to authorize the holding of matches “in the cities of Western Sahara” during the 2030 World Cup, the second on the release of the detainees of the Hirak of the Rif.

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