Rectifying Macky Sall’s Failures: Justice for Karim Wade

We demand justice! Karim Wade must be washed down for posterity and the right to the truth,” said Aïcha Gueye, a member of the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS), based in Switzerland. In this contribution, which reached Senego, she thinks that Macky Sall has failed and asks for “reparation of the wrongs against Karim Wade”, PDS candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

Here is an admission of failure! Time proves us right, about what is only an insidious operation of settling scores that we wanted to present as an exercise in accountability.
We are not going to designate platitudes by recalling that corruption has never occupied such a large place in society, nearly 12 years after the advent of the Second Democratic Change. It goes without saying that only one man was targeted: Karim Wade. This is a truism, the purpose of the maneuver was only to prevent the Senegalese Democratic Party from returning to power in 2019.
Came to power in March 2012, Macky Sall reactivated the Court for the Repression of Illicit Enrichment (Crei) which was created the day after Abdou Diouf’s accession to the supreme office in 1981 to, according to some, dishengorise the Ps, by exercising fear on its potential competitors or detractors. Abdou Diouf knew that it was a court that was just designed to settle accounts with those who were called the “Barons of the Ps” at the time and who could steal the show from him, given their historical legitimacy within the Senghorian party.
From the start, Macky Sall, who appears to have virtues Me Abdoulaye Wade, comparing him to Napoleon, said to himself that he could never compete with the Pope of Sopi in the field of achievements, in the field of democratic achievements, in the field of diplomacy… In short, at all levels where the effectiveness of presidential action is measured, he could not imagine surpassing the Pope of Sopi.
This is how he found it easier to imprison Karim Wade, his father’s arm, when it was a question of carrying the grandiose, futuristic achievements, which profoundly changed the face of Senegal.
Thanks to his sense of international relations, Karim Wade, with his team of experienced and patriotic Senegalese, succeeded in mobilizing funds for the holding of the Summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which was a worldwide success.
Appointed Minister of Energy, replacing Samuel Sarr, Mr. Wade succeeded in eliminating untimely power cuts in a few months. Thanks to the Takaal Plan, cuts hardly existed when President Abdoulaye Wade left power in April 2012.
In the field of Transport and Infrastructure, it is always Karim Wade the financial engineer who makes great leaps forward “TOWARDS THE SUMMIT”.
Today, the circle is complete. Macky Sall has failed and must repair his wrongs against Karim Wade whom he tracked down among more than twenty people to humiliate him, have him imprisoned for 3 and a half years and finally exile him.
We demand justice! Karim Wade must be washed down for posterity and the right to the truth.

This article is originally published on

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