The head of French diplomacy in Morocco to mark the thaw in relations

The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is visiting the Moroccan capital, Rabat. Arriving Sunday evening, Stéphane Séjourné will be received in the morning by his counterpart Nasser Bourita. On the exchange agenda, bilateral relations are currently thawing after 18 very tense months.

With our correspondent in Rabat, Victor Mauriat

More than a year has passed between the last visit of a French Minister of Foreign Affairs and that of Stéphane Séjourné. In December 2022, Catherine Colonna, her predecessor, came to Rabat to announce the end of visa restrictions to France, a crisis which had left a lasting impression on Moroccan minds. As proof, no significant improvement was observed between the two countries in the following weeks.

Tension even came to a head when the European Parliament voted for a motion asking Morocco to better respect human rights. For Rabat, there is no doubt, the mission is remotely guided by Paris and even by a certain Stéphane Séjourné, at the time head of the Renew movement in Strasbourg. So in response, Morocco ended the mission of its ambassador to Paris and discussions were limited to the strict minimum.

In recent weeks, several statements, notably from the French ambassador to Morocco, have mentioned the need to “move forward” on the question of Western Sahara. Words that caught the attention of the kingdom, as the cause is central to Rabat.

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