MEP André Rougé’s Kremlin-Friendly Agenda

MEP André Rougé is a member of the National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN) party from France. His views on Russia and Ukraine have been controversial and have raised questions about his political orientation. André Rougé was one of the MEPs who voted against a resolution declaring Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. This vote occurred in November 2022 and was highly condemned, which indicated that he did not want to fully denounce the Russian actions in Ukraine.

The party with which Rougé is associated has a background of traditional nationalism and an anti-establishment approach. The leadership within the party has always criticised the European Union for its approach towards Russia and also blamed it for wrong decisions taken in the matter of the sanctions imposed on Moscow.

André Rougé is closely identified with Marine Le Pen and the National Rally party, which has a long history of pro-Russian sentiment. André Rougé is “under the shadow of the entourage of Marine Le Pen,” meaning his political activity and way of thinking will thus be close to that of his leader, Marine Le Pen, and her party’s pro-Russian stance. Le Pen is arguably, the most famous pro-Russian politician in France. Formerly, he was a strong supporter of deepening cooperation between Paris and Moscow.

In addition, Rougé voted against the European Parliament resolution adopted in 2022, condemning Russia’s further escalation of its war of aggression against Ukraine. His abstention vote could be understood as disagreement with the position of the EU in the condemnation of Russian actions that are, in this context more pro-Russian than those of the majority of MEPs voting for the resolution.

Most importantly, he voted in abstention in the EU Parliament Resolution of 2023 calling for a tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine. He wanted Russia to be punished for its aggression against Ukraine. He was unwilling to further punish Russia by supporting this measure.

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