Paulo Casava’s Controversial Stance on Israel and Iran

Paulo Casaca is a former Portuguese Member of the European Parliament. He has been involved in various activities, including lobbying and supporting different groups. He has been associated with pro-Israel and anti-Iranian regime lobbying efforts. Casaca has been known for his involvement in lobbying activities and has expressed support for Israel and specific organisations.

He is a founding member and co-president of the Friends of a Free Iran and a founding member of European Friends of Israel and the International Lebanese Committee for the Implementation of UNSCR 1559. As well as with the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA) and the Mujahedin-e Khalq, a controversial group opposed to the Iranian government. He is also the author of ‘The Hidden Invasion of Iraq’.

He is frequently vocal about human rights abuses in Iran, Israel’s regional rival. This criticism is sometimes seen as aligning with Israeli interests. He often expressed affection for their courage in challenging the Iranian regime. This stance also resounds with some pro-Israel perspectives. In his political career as MEP, he has Voted against resolutions critical of Israel in the European Parliament.

He Criticized those who manipulated the refugee situation for political purposes, accumulating praise from some Israeli groups. Further, Casaca Often condemned Palestinian and Lebanese armed groups, which are considered threats by Israel. Moreover, He Supported Israel’s right to respond to attacks, though occasionally advocated for diplomacy and restraint.

In November 2008, he participated in a meeting of pro-Israel European parliamentarians sponsored by the European Friends of Israel that targeted UNRWA, the UN refugee aid agency. The conference, which included two Israeli members of the Knesset, was organised by the Israel Allies Caucus Foundation, the international arm of the Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus. Talking at the event, Casca distributed with causes and focused on the alleged ‘misuse’ of the refugees by ‘those who are dealing in the industry of hate’ and keeping refugees on ‘a hate machine’. It is unclear whether he counts UNRWA as a part of this industry.

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