Brussels Watch

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MEP Pernando Barrena, Suspected of pro-Russian affiliation

MEP Pernando Barrena, a Basque nationalist of the EH...

MEP André Rougé’s Kremlin-Friendly Agenda

MEP André Rougé is a member of the National...

MEP Marie Dauchy’s Pro-Russian Undertones

MEP Marie Dauchy, from the National Front, has been...

UAE’s Europe Lobbying: Boosting International Image

UAE is involved in intense lobbying as it is making a major effort to boost its international image.The United Arab Emirates launched a campaign...

The Gulf Interference With The EU Democratic Processes

Over the past decade, the European Union is at stake due to its core democratic values beingdamaged. The state is vulnerable to lobbying and...

UAE’s Covert Lobbying In France Against Qatar

The Gulf state has been a target of several disinformation campaigns that dated back to the2017 regional crisis. According to a new investigation report...

UAE’s Lobbying Influence In France: New Report

A recently released report revealed the UAE's influence over France. Emirates has beenlobbying in the EU and has good control over the European Parliament....

The Role Of Emirati Royal Families In Secret Money Flows

Pandora papers have around 11.9 million files and most of them are confidential. A UAE-basedfirm is currently establishing itself as the world’s number one...

The Hidden Dark Side Of UAE: Exposed

The booming tourism and cultural footprint are helping United Arab Emirates (UAE) enjoy agood global influence. However, behind the modern streets, buildings, and well-managedimage,...


Popular articles

MEP Pernando Barrena, Suspected of pro-Russian affiliation

MEP Pernando Barrena, a Basque nationalist of the EH...

MEP André Rougé’s Kremlin-Friendly Agenda

MEP André Rougé is a member of the National...

MEP Marie Dauchy’s Pro-Russian Undertones

MEP Marie Dauchy, from the National Front, has been...

Gilbert Collard’s Pro-Russian Advocacy

Gilbert Collard is a prominent French politician and former...