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Björn Höcke Echoing Pro-Russian Agenda

Björn Höcke (Bjoern Hoecke) is a German politician and...

Bulgarian MP Kosta Stoyanov Backs Pro-Kremlin Legislation

Kosta Stoyanov is Bulgarian Politician. He belongs to the...

Rafał Mekler a Polish Far-Right with Deep Ties to Russia

Rafał Mekler is a far-right Politician from Poland with...

Irakli Garibashvili’s Georgian Dream Party: A Pro-Russian Tilt

Irakli Garibashvili is a Georgian politician and an ex-business...

The Role of the Israeli Lobby in the UK: An Examination of Transparency and Influence

In liberal democratic societies, lobbies, interest groups, and policy think tanks are essential components of the political landscape. These organizations offer citizens the opportunity...

The Influence of the Israeli Lobby on UK Politics: A Closer Look

The term "Israeli lobby" in the United Kingdom refers to a network of individuals and groups with a vested interest in shaping the foreign...

How the Conservatives Became a Pro-Israel Party

In the often tumultuous landscape of British politics, Crispin Blunt stands out as a Conservative Member of Parliament who isn't afraid to champion causes...

Israel’s Lobbying and Political Influence in the UK: An Examination

In the world of international diplomacy, the relationship between countries can be intricate and multifaceted. Israel's interaction with Members of Parliament (MPs) in the...

How Pro-Israel Lobby Influences UK Media Coverage?

The role of pro-Israel lobby groups in shaping media coverage in the United Kingdom has long been a topic of debate and controversy. With...

The Influence of the Pro-Israel Lobby on UK Parliament’s Stance on the Palestinian Issue

In recent years, concerns have been raised about the influence of pro-Israel lobby groups on the UK Parliament's stance regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. An...


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Björn Höcke Echoing Pro-Russian Agenda

Björn Höcke (Bjoern Hoecke) is a German politician and...

Bulgarian MP Kosta Stoyanov Backs Pro-Kremlin Legislation

Kosta Stoyanov is Bulgarian Politician. He belongs to the...

Rafał Mekler a Polish Far-Right with Deep Ties to Russia

Rafał Mekler is a far-right Politician from Poland with...

Irakli Garibashvili’s Georgian Dream Party: A Pro-Russian Tilt

Irakli Garibashvili is a Georgian politician and an ex-business...

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