Lord Peter Mandelson: UAE’s Lobbyist in Europe

Lord Peter Mandelson is a British politician and former government minister. He is currently the chairman of Lazard Europe, a global financial advisory and asset management firm. Mandelson has also worked as a consultant to the UAE government.

Mandelson was a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1983 to 2008 and again from 2010 to 2015. He served in a number of ministerial roles, including Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (2008-2009), Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1999-2001 and 2005-2007), and 

First Secretary of State (2001-2005).

Mandelson has been a controversial figure throughout his career. He has been accused of being too close to the business world and of being too willing to bend the rules to get things done. However, he is also credited with being a shrewd and effective politician.

Mandelson’s relationship with the UAE began in the early 2000s, when he was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. At the time, the UAE was investing heavily in Northern Ireland, and Mandelson was seen as a key figure in facilitating these investments.

After he left government in 2008, Mandelson began working as a consultant to the UAE government. In this role, he advised the UAE on a range of issues, including economic development, foreign policy, and public relations.

Mandelson’s relationship with the UAE has been criticized by some, who have accused him of using his political connections to benefit his clients. However, Mandelson has defended his work for the UAE, arguing that he is simply helping the country to achieve its goals.

Mandelson was appointed chairman of Lazard. Lazard is a global financial advisory and asset management firm with offices in over 25 countries. Mandelson’s appointment was seen as a sign of his close ties to the UAE, as Lazard has a number of high-profile clients in the country.

Mandelson remains a controversial figure, but he is also a powerful and influential one. His relationship with the UAE is likely to continue to be a source of scrutiny and debate in the years to come.

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