Ukraine tightens rules: returning residents can’t leave

Ukraine no longer allows, since June 1, to its men residing abroad and of fighting age, to get out of the country freely if they are again on its territory, in order to re -turn the ranks of His army in war against Russia.

“Ukrainian citizens who have left Ukraine for more than three months will no longer be part of the category of people excluded from the register of conscripts […] and are forced to register with the army within 30 days” Andriï Demtchenko, spokesperson for the Ukrainian border border on Wednesday.

The change of the law aims to oblige Ukrainian holders of foreign residence permits to no longer be able to leave the country, when they could circulate freely before the entry into force of the law, on June 1, a few days after the Controversial lowering of age limit of mobilization at 25 years.

“This provision applies to Ukrainian citizens of male sex aged 18 to 60” detailed Mr. Demtchenko to AFP.

The new law must allow the army to get back its ranks, while the Ukrainian president recognized, in mid-May to AFP, that his country lacked men, affecting the morale of the troops, exhausted after two years of war.

The fate of binationals

The American embassy in kyiv, for its part, “notified” Tuesday to its male binationals aged 18 to 60 to go to Ukrainian territory, at the risk of no longer being able to leave it, recalling that the law of the country ” does not recognize dual nationality “.

“There is an extremely high risk that you are not allowed to leave the country,” the embassy warned in a statement.

Faced with a shortage of arms and men at a time when Russia multiplies assaults on the front, Ukraine is trying to get back its ranks after more than two years of war against a better equipped enemy, and which does not count His losses.

However, volunteers wishing to engage in the Ukrainian army are rare, the most motivated having mainly joined the military units at the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022.

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