Zoran Stevanović and Resni.ca: Pro-Russia Allegations Amid Political Controversies

Zoran Stevanović is a Slovak politician. He is the leader of Resni.ca a Slovenian political party, established on 14 January 2021. Zoran and his party are considered by many to be pro-Russian. The party organised demonstrations against the introduction of the “recovered, vaccinated, tested” step for limiting the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to its visibility. The party’s noted central issues are fighting corruption, national sovereignty, lowering taxes, opposition to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown efforts, and reducing budget deficits and public debt.

The role of Resni.ca regarding the Russo-Ukrainian war has been defined as supporting Russia and Vladimir Putin. The party supports pro-Russian views. One of the candidates for the 2024 European Parliament election, Bojan Potočnik, observed a farewell ceremony for Sergei Lemeshev, a Russian ambassador that Slovenia expelled after the Ministry of Internal Affairs disclosed he conducted propaganda activities against Slovenia. 24ur.com noted that Lemeshev was also possibly concerned about the 2024 cyber attacks in Slovenia and disbursed Resni.ca to spread Russian propaganda. 

It was also noted that multiple other members of Resni.ca have had communication with Lemeshev. Regarding the removal Potočnik and party president Stevanović stated, that they don’t see any issues in close ties to the Russian spy. Stevanović explained the expulsion as a “mistake”.

The president of the Resnica party Zoran Stevanović sees no problems in their close connection with the Russian diplomat-spy. He also says that this is not the first time he has met and that it is a “meeting of two experts”. He explains that he is also not aware of the way in which the diplomat allegedly spied or acted in any other way against Slovenia. “I found this gesture of declaring someone persona non grata rather unusual, this measure that was pronounced absolutely too rude,” he said. 

In March 2024, the president of Resni.ca, Zoran Stevanović, published a video on social networks titled “The Truth about Ukraine”. In the video, he called the Russian invasion of Ukraine a “military intervention”. Fact-checking by Siol.net figured that the video also included many different incorrect information, mostly a development of Russian propaganda

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