Brussels Watch

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MEP Maria Grapini’s Pro-Russian Perspectives

MEP Maria Grapini was a Romanian Deputy Minister, and...

Hervé Juvin a Pro-Kremlin Advocate in French Politics

Former MEP Hervé Juvin is a French pro-Russian politician...

Mislav Kolakušić’s Controversial Stance on Russia-Ukraine War

Mislav Kolakušić is a Croatian politician. He served as...

Belgian MEP Tom Vandendriessche alleged Russian connections

MEP Tom Vandendriessche is a politician from Belgium currently...

UAE’s Lobbying For European Weapons Export Ease

The United Arab Emirates has reportedly lobbied several European countries in hopes of easingthe restrictions on weapons exports. Emirati officials are in discussion with...

UAE’s Soft Power Strategy: Intensified Lobby Activities

In 2017 UAE launched are soft power strategy to intensify lobbying efforts. Illegal activities inBrussels are on the rise. There is no doubt that...

UAE: A Top Choice For European Leaders

The European decision-makers and though leaders are under the influence of the UAE. Thingsmay not be obvious to the outer world. However, UAE’s soft...

Emirati Lobbying And EU Access: Influence Unveiled

UAE is the biggest investor when it comes to lobbying. The country has been making a lot ofefforts to improve its image all over...

UAE’s Support And Loyalties In European Politics

The behavior of the political groups and the MEPs in the favor of the UAE has raised a lot ofsuspicions. UAE has been doing...

Lobbying Operation OF UAE In The Europe Is Visible But Is Unreported

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has invested billions and is one of the most prominent foreigngovernments to lobby European Union (EU) institutions. They have...


Popular articles

MEP Maria Grapini’s Pro-Russian Perspectives

MEP Maria Grapini was a Romanian Deputy Minister, and...

Hervé Juvin a Pro-Kremlin Advocate in French Politics

Former MEP Hervé Juvin is a French pro-Russian politician...

Mislav Kolakušić’s Controversial Stance on Russia-Ukraine War

Mislav Kolakušić is a Croatian politician. He served as...

Belgian MEP Tom Vandendriessche alleged Russian connections

MEP Tom Vandendriessche is a politician from Belgium currently...

MEP Gerolf Annemans’s Pro-Russian Stance on Ukraine

Gerolf Annemans is a Belgian politician who has been...