Brussels Watch

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Björn Höcke Echoing Pro-Russian Agenda

Björn Höcke (Bjoern Hoecke) is a German politician and...

Bulgarian MP Kosta Stoyanov Backs Pro-Kremlin Legislation

Kosta Stoyanov is Bulgarian Politician. He belongs to the...

Rafał Mekler a Polish Far-Right with Deep Ties to Russia

Rafał Mekler is a far-right Politician from Poland with...

Irakli Garibashvili’s Georgian Dream Party: A Pro-Russian Tilt

Irakli Garibashvili is a Georgian politician and an ex-business...

Irene Pivetti’s Lobbying Efforts for China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Irene Pivetti is an Italian journalist and politician. She also serves as an active lobbyist. She was former Speaker of the Italian Chamber of...

Italian MEP Silvia Sardone’s Pro-China Activities

Silvia Sardone is an Italian politician. She is a Member of the European Parliament. Recently she has drawn attention for her support for China...

Brussels’ Safety Concerns for Hosting the European Parliament

Brussels, the diplomatic hub and capital of the European Union, has been witnessing a severe crisis. The current situation raises deep mistrust about its...

The Shocking Revelations of Belgian Police and Security Service Misconduct in European Politics

Shocking information emerges from the Newspaper Dubbio, which depicts the illegal activities of Belgian Police and security services. Belgian authorities have spied on MEPs...

Richard Roche: Controversial Landscape of Huawei Lobbying in Europe

Richard Roche is an Irish former politician. He served as Minister of State for European Affairs from 2002 to 2004. Then again from 2007...

Yana Toom Pro-Chinese MEP: Dragging Estonia ito Chinese Bucket

Yana Toom is an Estonian politician acting as a Member of the European Parliament since 2014. She is a member of the Estonian Centre...


Popular articles

Björn Höcke Echoing Pro-Russian Agenda

Björn Höcke (Bjoern Hoecke) is a German politician and...

Bulgarian MP Kosta Stoyanov Backs Pro-Kremlin Legislation

Kosta Stoyanov is Bulgarian Politician. He belongs to the...

Rafał Mekler a Polish Far-Right with Deep Ties to Russia

Rafał Mekler is a far-right Politician from Poland with...

Irakli Garibashvili’s Georgian Dream Party: A Pro-Russian Tilt

Irakli Garibashvili is a Georgian politician and an ex-business...

Italy’s Far-Right Leader Roberto Fiore’s Russian Connection

Roberto Fiore is an Italian far-right politician and condemned...