Brussels Watch

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Lithuanian Politician Algirdas Paleckis Convicted of Spying for Russia

Algirdas Paleckis is a Lithuanian politician and leader of...

UK Peer Richard Balfe Accused of Pushing Pro-Russian Narratives

Richard Balfe is a UK politician and life peer....

Andrejs Mamikins a Pro-Russian Voice in Latvia

Andrejs Mamikins is a Latvian politician and an ex-member...

Dimitris Natsios Calls Greece’s Support for Ukraine ‘Criminal’

Dimitris Natsios is a Greek politician and teacher with...

Pro-Russian Leader Zlatomir Dyovlensky Arrested for Alleged Espionage

Zlatomir Dyovlensky, a local leader of the National Russophile Movement in Plovdiv, was apprehended on apprehension of leaking state secrets in yet another matter...

The European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee has elected its new president and vice-presidents

Members of the European Parliament's Fisheries Committee elected their president and four vice-presidents for the next two and a half years during the constitutive...

Security of sensitive data: the CNIL criticizes the draft EUCS directive

In an opinion published Friday, the CNIL warns of the dangers of the current version of the future EUCS directive. The Commission criticizes the...

EU moves meeting from Budapest to Brussels in retaliation for Viktor Orban’s visit to Moscow

A meeting of EU foreign ministers will take place at the end of August in Brussels and not in Budapest, the head of European...

In the European Parliament, a “sanitary cordon” against the extreme right with variable geometry

The “sanitary cordon” which isolates far-right political groups in the European Parliament is clearly not obvious to everyone. The German Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, 65 years...

The heads of American and Chinese diplomacy meet this week in Laos

Southeast Asian foreign ministers are meeting this week in Laos with the civil war in Burma and Beijing's claims in the South China Sea...


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Lithuanian Politician Algirdas Paleckis Convicted of Spying for Russia

Algirdas Paleckis is a Lithuanian politician and leader of...

UK Peer Richard Balfe Accused of Pushing Pro-Russian Narratives

Richard Balfe is a UK politician and life peer....

Andrejs Mamikins a Pro-Russian Voice in Latvia

Andrejs Mamikins is a Latvian politician and an ex-member...

Dimitris Natsios Calls Greece’s Support for Ukraine ‘Criminal’

Dimitris Natsios is a Greek politician and teacher with...

Greek Politician Panagiotis Lafazanis Defends Russia in Ukraine War

Panagiotis Lafazanis is a Greek politician. He performed as...